Zen 2.3 lite export different channels
Zen 2.3 lite export different channels

  • (5b) Drop the v7-D Zen Resizer (lite).cfg notecard into the root prim of your object.
  • (5a) Edit the v7-D Zen Resizer (lite).cfg notecard for any custom changes.
  • Remove the v7-D Zen Resizer Prep script from your object (and any v7-D Zen Resizer Prep.cfg notecard) You can add other information to the description without interfering with it, or if you prefer, you can remove it and add it to the notecard in. NOTE: This step automatically sets the object description to set= (it will also be printed to your chat history). NOTE: This step changes the size of your object It will be reset to it's default size at the end of this step OPTIONAL: Drop a translated v7-D Zen Resizer Prep.cfg notecard into the root prim of your objectĭrop the v7-D Zen Resizer Prep script into the root prim of your objectĬlick your object, and follow the instructions in the dialogs REQUIRED: Make a Copy of your object before Starting for safety!

    Zen 2.3 lite export different channels manual#

  • Remove the previous script and drop the v7-D Zen Resizer (lite) script and v7-D Zen Resizer (lite): User Manual into your object.
  • zen 2.3 lite export different channels

    Drop the v7-D Zen Resizer Prep script into your object, click it and follow the dialog instructions.Owner feedback on dialog commands provided.

    zen 2.3 lite export different channels

    Auto-remenu (saves time editing) with "Done" cancel guessing if a change will exceed min size or max link distance, because it won't. Preset Limits avoid broken objects (even on max resize).Size percentage reported on dialog in easy to understand 0.00 to 100.00 percentage format (representing size limits).Equivalent size adjustments (+10% then -10% results in the same starting size).Auto-language detection on ownership change (where reported, creator configurable to include any language code, default language set by creator).Single LSO script, triggers after a two second touch/hold to avoid triggering when other touch scripts are present (and to override v2x dialogs).Warning: Not fully compatible with other scripts that change the position/size of the links. Allows you to disable the the above user functions.Allows end user to remove the resize script.Allows end users to set and restore their own default (in the range you allow).Open source scripts let you modify directly in the script if desired.

    zen 2.3 lite export different channels

  • Drag and Drop Design (minimal to no editing at all).

  • Zen 2.3 lite export different channels